
Lutheran Church-Canada Links

Lutheran Church-Canada
Central District (Our home district and financial supporter of this retreat)
Alberta-British Columbia District
East District
Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines
Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton
Concordia University College of Alberta

Preaching Resources

Scholia--a repository of several good resources for preachers
Pr. Cwirla's Blog--Pastor William Cwirla's website, with various preaching resources
Weedon's Blog--Pastor Weedon's blog, with various resources
Pr. Petersen's sermons -- Sermons on the Historic Lectionary series
For The Life of the World, January 2002--This issue is dedicated to preaching the Word
Martin Luther's Sermons-- The Church Postil of Luther
Martin Luther on Preaching-- an article from Issues Etc by Patrick Ferry
CFW Walther-Selected Sermons-- A collection of Walther's sermons
Law and Gospel--Walther's classic preaching lectures in e-text form website for one of the better preaching discussion lists, Pericope-List@Yahoo!Groups
John Pless' site-- a collection of preaching and other Lutheran resources
Mark DeGarmeaux's site-- a collection of preaching and other Lutheran resources
Preaching the Reformation-- The Homiletical Handbook of Urbanus Rhegius
Repristination Press-- Various Confessional Lutheran resources are available in print through this small publisher resource based on the Historic Lectionary
Lutheran Lectionary Project-- a calendar of the traditional 1-year Lutheran lectionary
Lectionary Central-- a site dedicated to the traditional Western lectionary

Other Useful Links

Issues Etc.--One of the finest talk radio programs anywhere, from a solidly Lutheran perspective
Last updated: 10 February 2009 by the webmaster.